FIFA Security Team accidentally revealed Wi-Fi password in a Newspaper Promo Photo!

The promo Photo which was taken by the neighborhood Newspaper of Brazil called "Correio Braziliense" coincidentally demonstrated the secret word and WiFi SSID of the World Cup Security Center, which permits security work force to see live encourages from different cameras around the globe Cup stadiums.

This year, the Israel-based security firm RISCO is giving security administration at the soccer stadium and is in charge of observing and keeping up several CCTV surveillance cameras. Few days back nearby daily paper "Correio Braziliense" went by the Security focus and distributed an article about the security groups best in class checking focus.


Secret word: b5a2112014

The Photo which was distributed alongside the article got eyes of numerous as it plainly uncovered the Security focuses Wi-Fi SSID and secret key in an extremely idiotic manner. Later the Photo was posted on twitter and individuals around the globe saw the bungle and re-twitted it. beneath you can see the distributed photo of the Head of the Brazilian Federal Police beside the Whiteboard uncovering system SSID and secret word which has all the earmarks of being "brazil2014 in eleet.

WORLD CUP Wi-Fi secret word

Luckily, the leader of the Brazilian Federal Police saw the blunder rapidly and instantly supplanted both passwords and SSID codes for the remote system.

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