Chinese hacker Installs Windows 98 on iPhone 6 Plus using iDos

We have seen Windows XP being Installed on Android gadget But this is in no way like you have seen some time recently. First time somebody has ported desktop Windows OS on iPhone and has figured out how to make them function. i.e Windows 98 (pre-thousand years Windows adaptation) on iPhone 6 Plus.

A Chinese programmer with the handle xyqo58775 on prevalent Chinese tech gathering posted about how he could effectively introduce Windows 98 on an iPhone 6 Plus and even gives instructional exercise on the same. The introduce is by all accounts the genuine article and not the script-based copying.

Introducing Windows 98 on iPhone 6 Plus

The most fascinating thing is that he figured out how to do this hack without prison breaking his gadget. He purportedly utilized a legitimate form of iDOS, which most likely makes a fine showing with regards to with copying. iDos is an emulator that permits you to play dos diversions on your iPhone or iPad.

The programmer asserts that he has just utilized the current assets and devices accessible and he is "not a major God". He additionally said that he will get Windows XP running on iPhone 6 Plus at whatever point he gets time. In the interim in the event that you know Chinese you can allude his instructional exercise on Installing Windows 98 on iPhone 6 Plus here [Google Translate].

Look at the photographs of Windows 95 on the iPhone 6 Plu

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