How to trace Facebook users location using IP address & User-Agent

In my last post (Finding IP address of fake Facebook clients), I had talked about how you can trap Facebook client into uncovering his IP address. In that post i had connected to an 'IP following instrument' gave by GeniusHackers. Be that as it may, sadly the site went down and now the instrument is not open. So before i continue with following facebook User area utilizing his IP address and client operator, i will show some more IP getting devices that you can use rather than GeniusHackers.

Couple of years back i had likewise presented about how on follow Facebook visit area, While it worked that time, it no more works today. However, i would exhortation you to peruse that post also, just to enhance your explanatory and criminal aptitudes. Since you will require both on the off chance that you need to effectively follow and catch fake Facebook client in the act.

Rundown of IP snatching/Tracking Tools

blasze IP lumberjack

On the site enter any URL like or any record URL like and snap 'submit'. You will get some data identified with your following connection. Note down your Access code and duplicate your following connection which you should convey to the Facebook client whose IP deliver you need to log. Presently go to the principle page after at some point and glue your Access code to check if the casualty has clicked (Scroll down a bit to see get to logs).

Grabify IP lumberjack

Grabify is fundamentally the same as 'burst IP lumberjack' and gives following code simply like get to code above for you to see logs whenever you need. Just goto the site, enter any URL and snap 'Make URL'. At that point you will get your following connection alongside details connection or following code.

This instrument has one special component that gives you a chance to insert Invisible picture into any HTML page or site that will consequently log the IP of guest without his insight, yet Unless you know fundamental HTML and how to host site online i would prescribe not to utilize it and rather utilize consistent divert URL strategy. Be that as it may, again on the off chance that you can realize 'How to make static sites' (you will discover heaps of instructional exercises), this is the best device.

When you get your following connection, ensure you utilize another URL shorter like tinyurl or before sending it to Facebook client. This will help veil the following URL since every one of them have the area name noticeable in the connection.

There are many burden in utilizing these 'IP lumberjacks', like the one i just said above. So hopefully you will simply make your own following apparatus or site. I will soon share the PHP script to do as such. Presently lets perceive how you can follow the area of any Facebook client utilizing his IP Address and client specialist data.

Following Facebook client area

Presently here comes the genuine torment, You have effectively done what's needed surveillance against the casualty (Facebook client) and now you have the 'IP address' of that client. What Next?. There is 90% possibility that the IP address you have quite recently discovered is of an intermediary server or a man from an area which appears to be absolutely disconnected to you. And afterward there is an unknown Proxy organize called TOR and if in the event that the Facebook client whom you are attempting to follow is Using TOR arrange, then the entire procedure of following his area will yield no natural product.

The most effective method to follow Facebook client area

Along these lines, if the client is utilizing intermediary or TOR organize, the best way to follow him down is to draw in with him on Facebook utilizing another fake record and apply 'social building' strategies to concentrate data, i will examine about it next yet before that we will simply expect that the User is not utilizing any sort of secrecy programming and is coolly hurting you utilizing his PC framework or Mobile telephone. In this circumstance its simple to follow his area.

During the time spent getting IP address, If you utilized Blasze or Grabify you more likely than not saw that in the get to logs alongside IP there is another arrangement of data about USER-Agent. Client specialist is only the Computer framework which was utilized by the Facebook client when he tapped the following connection. Here is the specimen USER-operator information:

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