Make A Facebook ID Card And Share On Your Wall

Make A Facebook ID Card And Share On Your Wall

Have you ever been noticed  at Facebook that someone uploaded a Facebook id card on her / his timeline?. If yes! Then you may was thinking that how they created it. Do you want to make a one for you? Here from this post you will get a complete guide how to create it. So just read below article.

There is no doubt that, Facebook is the no-1 social media all over the world. It plays a vital role to connect people. We are able to share our felling opinion to friends & family by using it. Hello friends,  nowadays I will be able to share one things fun. This content just for the Facebook dependent individuals.
I am conjointly a Fb dependent individuals. All of Facebook lover strive to do one thing new on their wall. Friends however fell if we tend to get a Facebook ID card like this
facebook id card

To make this kind of identity card, then follow the steps.
  1. First time log in to your FB account and  click on this link. When click, you will be able to see this page.
    generate facebook id card
   2. Then click on generate button. And wait for while. This application made identity card with your profile picture.  
  3. After few seconds, your Facebook ID card has made. Then you can able to download it or direct share it on your Fb wall and enjoy. And please tell me how much like & comment you would get after share it on your wall. Ha ha ha ha ha. Please share this on your social media.

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