Guide to Adding Google Analytics In Blogger Blog

Guide to Adding Google Analytics In Blogger Blog

Do you want to know how many visitors will come in to your blog and how many times they expend?. If your answer is yes ! Then you need to add Google analytic in your blogger blog
This tool help you to know your traffic statistics. As well as you can able to know what is the sources, country they came from, bounce rate of your blog etc. There are lot of tools in internet, which offers to know statistics. From various of tools Google Anylytics tools are father of all. It is the best ever and most popular tools.
add Google Analytics In Blogger
There are lot of benefit you will be get by using GA tools. For tracking your traffics behavior, you carrying need to add GA in your blogger blog. So today I will be share a complete guide to adding it on your blogger blog. So let's start! 

Creating Google Analytics Account   

For adding GA tracking code in your blog, firstly you need to create an account. Follow the below steps :-
  1. Go to the Google Analytics official website.  
  2. Now sign in with your blogger or Gmail account. 
  3. After that, click on access Google analytics button in the right top corner.
  4. Click on sign up button. 
    sign up
  5. Once you click on signup button, you will get a box now fill the box with your name, website URL etc. Check below image 
    fill the box
  6. After complete fill all information, then click on Get tracking ID. 
  7. Now click on I accept on  the pop up page. 
  8. After that finally you will get your tracking ID like UA-63065063. And you'll get alsotracking code, which is need to add in your template.  Go to the next steps. 
    tracking ID

Adding Google Analytics (tracking ID + Code) to Blogger.

Now you will need to add tracking ID in your blogger settings option. And the tracking code into your blogger template. So follow the below procedure:- 
  1. Log in to your blogger account. 
  2. Go to blogger dashboard-> setting -> other
  3. And fill the analytics web property ID box with your Tracking ID. Check below image.
  4. Now Click save settings button. 
  5. Then go to template -> Edit HTML. Backup your present template. 
  6. Now search this code  </body>. If you will not get press Ctrl F and search. 
  7. Now paste your tracking code just above </body> tag. Click on save template. 
  8. You're successfully done!!!! 
Final Word  
Hopefully you love this above guide and successfully add Google Analytics in your blogger blog. So follow the above steps carefully and add GA in your blog. 

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