Cancel Pending Friend Request On Facebook To Protect Your ID

Cancel Pending Friend Request On Facebook To Protect Your ID

Cancel Pending Friend Request, FACEBOOK tips
Do you want to find out your pending friend request and cancel them to protect your Facebook ID from disabled? If yes, you can be able to doing it. Read below article:  
Hello friends today I want to share a very important post for Facebook users.
In present life social media  is a part of our life. We take lot of action to protect our ID from hackers, block etc. Sometimes Facebook authority block our ID. There are some reason to block our FB ID. This is [pending friend request], it is one of great  reason that block our account. Sometimes we sent friend request in an unknown person, he/she does not accept our request. So this is a big reason to block our account.

Canceling Pending Friend Request

  1. 1st time login your Facebook Account 
  2. Then click and go this link
  3. After click on this link, you can see your pending Friend Request list
  4. Now cancel your all pending friend request to protect your ID [see screen shot]

Final Word 
Hopefully you may cancel your all pending request. Now your account are safe from disable. If you like this post, then please  share it on your social media.    

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